Here is me driving along the beach at Santa Monica, well I am not driving, B is. He is driving on the wrong side of the car. Arggh! So scary!
B is at the Getty Museum. What a wonderful place. We took lots of photos at sunset. Pretty... And B got to take some of his favourite water photos.
He he. I'll get in trouble for that.
After Getty we drove along Mulholland Drive back to Hollywood. Nice view.
We just ate some weird food and the waiter came and said something to me and I didn't understand so I just said Yes. Then he said 1 or 2? Wha? So I said one. Turns out he was giving me a takeaway container to put our mountain of leftover food in. Now we have enough to last till we leave LA. Cool!
So now we are drinking some gin in our suite at the guesthouse. It's really big and around the corner are all these cafes that have real coffee, except we haven't worked out what they call a flat white here, we think they call it cappucino, but a latte comes in a really big flat white cup.
Crazy Americans!
More soon....
Never ask for a flat white, short black or long black, unless you want some really strange looks. Just ask for the smallest latte that they can possibly make and you'll get a large!
on my first day in LA i ordered an ice coffee from somewhere, and this is pretty similar to what i got http://blogs.menupages.com/boston/Iced%20Coffee.jpg
it tasted like licking the bottom of a coffee bean grinder.
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